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Online casino management
Get a thorough overview of the online casino vertical and its challenges, featuring case study examples, scenarios and proven techniques for success.
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Ideal for: those looking expand their knowledge for potential career growth in the online casino management field.
Learn techniques for casino marketing, CRM, monitoring and management.
The successful management of your company’s casino offering is often critical to the success of your business. Knowledge and training can kick-start or enhance your product by providing a deeper understanding of customers, marketing strategies, as well as all the variations on the product.
Our online casino management training has been designed to provide a thorough overview of the online casino vertical and its challenges. This makes it ideally suited for conversion training of teams familiar with other verticals, such as sportsbook, poker or bingo, as well as persons already working in online casino, or looking for a career change.
In the first half of the course, students will learn the basics of online casinos, including functionality, different offerings that can be done, and finding the best ways to on-board customers to your site. The second half of the course continues with an in-depth look at the day-to-day challenges such as techniques for marketing, the importance of CRM, and the monitoring of activity by means of KPI’s. During the course, you will meet john, the casino manager. With the help of john and his colleagues, students will be presented with exercises and scenarios on the topic.
Our online casino management courses have been developed in conjunction with industry experts, with years of training and an in-depth knowledge of online casino management within igaming.
On completing this course, students will:
- Have a thorough understanding of online casino functionality
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- Have a thorough understanding of methods that can be used to address the issues identified
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- Have an understanding of KPI’s that can be used to identify issues
This course is available via elearning: an interactive format accessible worldwide. Elearning courses can be purchased individually, or added to your company’s own branded LMS learning management system.
Access will be for 1 year and will be provided within 1 working day, to the email address specified at purchase. You should receive your login details from training@igacademy.Com, if you haven’t received this information within 1 hour after receiving confirmation that your order has been finalised and access has been given then please check your spam folder.
The duration of the course is approximately 1 hour and its CPD value 1 hour as well.
After passing the assessment, you will be able to download your certificate as a PDF. The certificate will state the following:
- Your name
- The course title
- The date of completion
“CPD is the holistic commitment of professionals towards the enhancement of personal skills and proficiency throughout their careers.
Igaming academy’s classroom and elearning courses, as well as masterclasses and events, are certified by CPD. CPD stands for continuing professional development and is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities. It enables learning to become conscious and proactive, rather than passive and reactive.
Accredited CPD training means the learning activity has reached the required continuing professional development standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD certification service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements.”
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If you’re looking for one of the best online casino experiences on the market right now you’ve come to the right place. King casino is home to a variety of new online casino games to try your luck at. Whether you’re a fan of the latest online slots or you prefer the experience of live casino, we have something for just about everyone! We have hundreds of UK casino games to play, so you’ll truly be spoilt for choice. Not to forget all of our new customers are eligible for an exclusive king casino bonus.
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When it comes to choosing the online casino that’s right for you, there are some important things which must be taken into consideration. Try before you buy perhaps? At king casino you can find a range of amazing online games to play, all from some of the best games makers in the industry. We have a plethora of slot games by some of the world’s most talented developers, including those at red tiger gaming. Among many of our iconic slot titles, you can find:
Book of dead slots
One of our best slots, this comes with one awesome bonus feature too. Book of dead is as straightforward as slots get. The bonus feature with the book of dead is in the form of bonus spins. This bonus utilises a new symbol feature and this slot has a high RTP of 96 per cent.
To trigger your bonus spins play, a random symbol is chosen and turns to an expanding symbol. It leads to multiple reels displaying identical symbols which can lead to wins. Another trigger of the bonus spins is by matching the book symbol. Although there’s one bonus there are some brilliant bonus symbols.
Fishin frenzy slot game
One simple but effective choice of games, fishin frenzy offers plenty of fun and bonus spins when you play! To trigger these, get three, four or five scatters (a fishing boat) to win 10, 15 or 20 spins respectively. Want a cash prize? Find blue fish symbols to collect attached values when you land the fisherman symbol during bonus spins.
Fishin frenzy is a fantastic game to play if you like the chance of a big win. Look for the wild too when you play this game, which is again that fisherman who substitutes other symbols. When this happens you can win a payout of up to 500 times your stake for five on a pay line.
Bonanza slot
The online slot game bonanza has been a fan favourite for many years, this game offers exciting gameplay, high-end graphics, and generous bonus features. With a fun-filled storyline, this game doesn’t disappoint and it’s no wonder why players continue to play this game even years after its initial release. The RTP for bonanza is a modest 96% and you can play it today at king casino!
Starburst slot is undoubtedly one of the most popular online slots in the industry, and rightfully so. The game offers exquisite graphics to complement another exciting theme. Find yourself racing through the solar system as you rack up wins on this UK casino game. With an RTP of 95.05%, this slot is a must-play for anyone, regardless of if you’re new to slot games or a regular player.
Gold rush casino slot
Gold rush is a slot from the developers over at pragmatic play offering an RTP of 96.5%. This slot offers diverse gameplay with bonus features including; wilds, bonus spins and scatter symbols, providing plenty of different ways to rack up some generous wins, with a maximum payout of up to £2,500. You can click here to play gold rush today at king casino.
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And many more all for you to enjoy and play responsibly. There are also a wide range of live games options when you choose to game with us, and we’re among the best for live casino experiences. Unlike anything else you’ve enjoyed before, our online casino games are second to none. At king casino you can find an incredible welcome bonus to take advantage of too, which is one of the most generous you can find and play with at any online casino. We also offer some chances to enjoy bonus spins with no deposit, something you can rarely find.
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Before you start on your epic online gaming adventure with us, why not join first by signing up with our welcome bonus and get your bonus spins offer? You can play with any of our slots games with it, and find your feet as you play to win. Not all online gaming sites have a slots bonus as generous as ours, but we want only the best for our casino games lovers. Everything we do is licensed and regulated by the gambling commission too, so you know we’re a reputable site with some amazing live casino games to boot.
Talking of online casino games, you can find a wide range of ours by clicking through our tabs and checking our which you like the look of most. Many online casino games these days claim to have the best this, or the best that, and while you can find the best live casino games here, it’s for good reason. Epic wins, epic gameplay and epic graphics all come into play with our live casino games so you have the optimum casino gaming experience – one you won’t want to miss out on.
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With our online slots and other live gaming options, you get the chance to win big. The amount you can win will depend on your wager, but at king casino we are certain our slots and live games will not disappoint. Find slots to suit your needs, and game live right from the comfort of your very own home – or even when you’re bored on your commute with a few taps of a mobile or tablet device.
Believe it or not, you can win real money when you play online slots at king casino. With us you’ll find a massive range of epic live games which can give you big wins from a few spins. Slots lovers can also enjoy epic gains with the bonus features and symbols most of our games offer, no matter what gaming level you are. At this casino it’s clear you’ll find some great money slots with great graphics and bonus games to help up your winning chances.
Once you start your gaming journey, you’ll be amazed at how much special symbols including scatters, wilds and multipliers help with your winning chances. But, don’t worry too much if you feel unsure at getting started. Have a look at the terms and conditions to find what works for you. Or, why don’t you simply try out some of our live games? That will help you to find the game play style and pace that’s right for you. In addition, you can play wherever you like as all the games at king casino are optimised beautifully for all devices.
The games experience at king casino can even be enjoyed on your commute. You can find all our slots and enjoy the game play experience on devices including mobiles and tablets with amazing graphics. Our graphics are so good in fact, that even on smaller screens you’ll see the most intricate details just pop out with modern slots. You can relax with king casino games which you can play on mobile in a quality that’s just as neat as with desktop. Plus, it’s easy to make deposits or claim your bonus offers with games when you’re playing on mobile.
At king casino, the site is sleek with easy navigation. Players looking for the ideal game will find just that, and can get their spins action on accordingly. And with our gaming options, it just takes spins to get real wins. With any of the epic game choices here, real stakes lead to real rewards. Just remember it all comes down to luck. Winning money on a slot game will simply come out of the blue, so when you’re gaming make fun your top priority.
Live blackjack
Play live blackjack today at king casino and uncover that lucky king and ace that’s going to get you those big wins on your favourite online casino. In addition to a variety of standard blackjack games, there’s a multitude of live blackjack tables available at king casino where you can play with a live dealer and enjoy a more realistic casino experience. Featuring in-game chat rooms and the opportunity to play alongside other players around the world, live blackjack is not influenced from the algorithms of online card games as the cards are dealt in real-time by the dealer.
Play casino games at king casino
We now formally crown you the first king of the casino, arise ma’ lord. Now that you’ve got your crown and your royal mace, what more is there to do but start spinning and passing the time with some of your favourite slot and online casino titles. Here’s just a glimpse into some of the top slots and card game titles that we have in the royal vault of king casino.
Why not join king casino for unique bonuses today ?
Whatever slots or casino game options you’re looking for, we’re certain that here at king casino you can find exactly what you’ve been looking for. With over 300 slots and counting by the very best developers in the business, you can try a wide range and see what fits for yourself. In addition, part of what makes us a great choice is our generous welcome bonus – easily yours with a simple sign up and a few taps. What’s more, you can play by mobile and don’t need to fill out any pesky forms.
In addition to fishin frenzy and book of dead, why not try other slot game options like asgardian stones, one of netent’s best online slots. The story is a fun take on norse mythology with an elevated theme as the game looks brilliant. In terms of features, this choice of video slots can boast the avalanche feature, so players can get multiple wins from every spin. With so many game options to choose from and a great bonus offer, why not check out king casino for yourself and see what all the hype is about?
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